Kindness Project Spreads Holiday Cheer

First graders in Mrs. LeRoy’s and Miss Pink’s classes teamed up recently with Middle School students for a Holiday Kindness Project! Middle School student leaders helped first graders make holidays cards and Christmas tree crafts that will be delivered to a local nursing home and children’s hospital. Great job! More photos

Mrs. Madej’s Class Opens Hot Cocoa Stand

Mrs. Madej’s kindergartners have opened up their own Hot Cocoa Stand for the holiday season! “Students have been taking turns during center time to ‘take orders’, read recipes and count out/scoop out ‘chocolate, marshmallows, and peppermint’,” explained Mrs. Madej. “They also have been working on language skills and delivering their orders to students and teachers …

Mrs. Knapik’s Class Shares Thanksgiving History

Mrs. Knapik’s 2nd graders visited kindergarten classes this week to perform a reader’s theater about the first Thanksgiving, sharing with younger students and building their own literacy skills. “While learning about the first Thanksgiving, they practiced their reading skills, including fluency and reading with expression. They did a great job!” said Mrs. Knapik. #schalmontpride

Mrs. Bennett’s Class Welcomes Families

Plenty of smiles in Mrs. Bennett’s class last week as 4th graders welcomed family to see their work and enjoy pie and other treats! Thank you so much for making time in your day to visit! More photos

Families Join Mrs. Miller’s Class

Special moments in Mrs. Miller’s class last week as kindergartners welcomed family to their classroom for a Thanksgiving celebration! Thank you so much for visiting! More photos

Creative Fun in Dominoes Club

So much creative fun in Jefferson Elementary’s new Dominoes Club! Thank you to our PTO for creating another wonderful opportunity for our students! More photos

Ms. Fitzpatrick’s Class Welcomes Veteran

  Ms. Fitzpatrick’s 2nd grade class celebrated Veterans Day last week with a classroom visit from U.S. Air Force Airman Brian Tripp! Students asked plenty of great questions about his service and then enjoyed an activity together decorating flags. Thank you Airman Tripp for spending time with our students and for your service! More photos

Halloween Fun in Ms. Edick’s Class

Fourth graders in Ms. Edick’s class welcomed family members into their classroom on Halloween for a special breakfast together! Students then enjoyed Halloween-themed activities like observing chemical reactions in mini-cauldrons, playing bingo, creating scratch art ornaments, and visiting the caramel apple dipping station! More photos

Pumpkins, Math & Art in Mrs. Bennett’s Class

Mrs. Bennett’s 4th grade students enjoyed a fun hands-on learning experience that combined pumpkins, math and art! Working together in collaborative groups, students first removed the seeds from the pumpkins and then used the seeds for different math exercises “Students were tasked with counting seeds and using their total for a review of word form, …

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