Stay Connected Through ParentSquare

Schalmont families, faculty and staff are encouraged to register with ParentSquare, our new district communication platform!

ParentSquare allows us to continue to send texts, emails and automated phone calls to our families and staff. It also provides a free app and the ability for families to submit absence notes using an electronic form, instead of calling the office.

Register and Download the App

If you are not registered yet, simply visit the ParentSquare website! Sign in using your email or phone number you have on file with Schalmont.

We also encourage you to download the free ParentSquare app. We plan to push lots of information to our families this year and the app is a great way to see the information we share.

      ParentSquare offers many more features that we plan to add in the future. However, we don’t plan to jump into those features right away as we’ll need time to consider what tools work best for Schalmont and implement any changes in a thoughtful way.

      If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Director of Communications Jason McCord at