Seniors Sign Letters of Intent

Group photo of student athletes

Schalmont held a Letter of Intent Signing Tuesday to congratulate the following seniors who intend to play collegiate sports next year. Congratulations!

  • Karissa Antoine – Basketball, Fordham University
  • Curtis Brosious – Basketball, Lancaster Bible College
  • Kyle Franke – Baseball, SUNY Brockport
  • Quinn Frodyma – Baseball, Russell Sage College
  • Owen Preissler – Football, Hartwick College
  • Brendan Quick – Bowling, Hudson Valley Community College
  • Nicholas Ricciardi – Track & Field, Hudson Valley Community College
  • Andrew Schraa – Baseball, Saint Michael’s College
  • Dannah Smith – Golf, Monmouth University
  • Isaiah Smith – Basketball, Utica University
  • Jurnee Tuttle – Track & Field, Georgian Court University

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