Schalmont Shares Lead Testing Results

Dear Schalmont families,

We would like to share with our families information about the recent lead testing that was conducted in our schools.

As you may know, all school districts in New York are required to test water fixtures for the presence of lead every five years. This year, New York State lowered its lead levels from 15 parts per billion to 5 parts per billion. All testing at Schalmont was conducted in the past weeks by an independent environmental laboratory.

Of the 129 water fixtures that were tested, 3 fixtures tested above the 5 parts per billion level. Our Facilities Team immediately took two of the fixtures out of service and ordered replacements. Those faucets, in the kitchen areas of Schalmont High School (5.8 parts per billion) and Jefferson (18.2 parts per billion), will both be retested. A third fixture in a Jefferson classroom sink (8.9 parts per billion) now has clear signage that it is not to be used for drinking water.

Schalmont has submitted our test results and remedies to New York State to ensure we are meeting all required regulations.

If you have any questions about the testing, please contact Superintendent Dr. Thomas Reardon at 518-355-9200 ext. 4001 or

As always, the health and safety of our students is always our top priority. Thank you.