Regents & Local Exams Info

Hello Schalmont High School,

Included you will find some additional information regarding the January Exam Week, which will take place from Tuesday, January 21 through Friday, January 24.

Exam Schedule


All regular AM and PM bus routes will be provided during Exam Week. Additionally, we will provide mid-day buses home leaving at 10:15 a.m., Tuesday through Friday during the week. Late buses will run on Tuesday and Thursday.

Breakfast and Lunch

Breakfast will be served in the cafeteria throughout the week. Various lunch items will be served as well from 10:15 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Bag Room

Personal belongings cannot be brought into the testing locations. Students can secure their belongings in the Student Commons, which will be supervised during the testing sessions.

Staging Area

Upon arrival at the High School, students can deliver their belongings to the Bag Room then report to the cafeteria. Once the testing locations are ready, students will be released from the cafeteria to their designated testing area. Students are not permitted to leave the building or campus and return while waiting for an exam or a ride.

Electronic Devices

Electronic devices, such as cell phones, Apple watches, etc. are not allowed in the testing locations. These devices can be secured in the Bag Room, which will be supervised during the testing sessions.

Testing Conflicts

If a testing conflict occurs, when a student is scheduled to take two tests at the same time, the student should notify their school counselor and teachers. On the day of the test the student should report to Room 103 to complete both exams concurrently. Supervised breaks will be provided as needed.


All BOCES CTE programs will be held during Exam Week at their regular times. The district will provide transportation to both BOCES CTE campuses. Students should attend their CTE programs, but any scheduled exam should take priority.

Snow Day Make-Up

In the event of a school cancellation due to inclement weather, a make-up exam session will be scheduled. The time and date of the make-up session will be determined and announced if school is closed due to inclement weather. Further information will be provided in the event of this occurrence.

If you have any questions regarding January Exam Week, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you,

Matthew Heckman