Jefferson Shares Halloween Letter

Trunk or Treat flyerDear Jefferson Families,

The Halloween season is upon us.  The following letter will provide information regarding Halloween celebrations and expectations within our school.  

This year, we will host a “Trunk or Treat” on Friday, October 25 from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. at Jefferson in both the bus parking lot, as well as the music parking lot.  There will be several vehicles and the students will have the opportunity to trick or treat within the vehicle trunks. A firetruck from South Schenectady Fire Department will also be on hand for the students to visit.  We encourage students to wear their costumes, nothing too scary or gory.  Please note that all students must be accompanied by an adult and have a wristband.  In the event of inclement weather, all activities will be canceled with a rain date of Saturday, October 26. 

Classroom Parties

  1. Homeroom parents should be in touch with classroom teachers to determine exact dates and times for classroom parties.  Please note that classroom parties are at the discretion of each teacher.
  2. Please note that costumes are not allowed in school during normal school hours.
  3. Pay close attention to classrooms that are peanut/tree nut free.  No home baked goods will be allowed and all pre- packaged goods will be closely examined in these classrooms.  If you are uncertain, please double check with the classroom teacher or call our school nurses (Mrs. Facteau or Mr. Bailey) at extension 5036.

Student Safety

We expect that there will be plenty of parent visitors to our school around the holiday season.  As always, safety is our top priority.  We have already secured additional security personnel on this day to ensure the safety of our students and staff.  Please honor our school rules upon entering Jefferson by:

  1. Ensuring that you sign in when entering our school.  We will then give you a visitor sticker.
  2. Honoring specific classroom party times.  Please note that this is an instructional day and teachers will be teaching right up until (or after) their party times.  
  3. If attending your child’s party, please do not visit additional classrooms.  Recognize that not all parties are at the same time and we are trying to eliminate as many distractions as possible.
  4. If you choose to take your child home after a classroom party, it is imperative that you sign him/her out.  Each classroom teacher will have a sign out sheet for you to do so.

Thank you for your attention to this memo.  We are looking forward to a safe and not too scary holiday season.


Mr. Gifford