Clubs & Activities

Students pose for photo behind table

School clubs, activities and honor societies are a great way for students to meet new friends, learn new things, or give back to their community.

If you have a question, please contact the Club Advisor or your School Counselor.

Athletic Teams

Please see the Athletics website for a full list of student athletic opportunities.

Student Council & Class Council

Student Council

Advisor Mr. Gibbs

Elected student government that plans events, organizes fundraisers, and addresses student concerns for the school. Each class has officers in addition to the Student Council Executive Board that runs the entirety of the Student Council. It exists to give students a voice in their school and feedback on their class events. To join you are elected by your fellow classmates. Class officers handle fundraising, planning of events such as Prom, Senior Picnic, Banquet, etc. Listed below are the Class Advisors each individual class.

  • 2025 Class Advisors – Ms. Brown, Mrs. Guzek
  • 2026 Class Advisors – Mr. Houlihan, Mr. Goebel
  • 2027 Class Advisors – Mrs. Baird, Ms. A.Williams
  • 2028 Class Advisors – Ms. Rockenstire, To Be Determined

Diversify Our Narrative

Advisor Mrs. Williams

This club engages students who are enthused about addressing racial, ethnic, gender and social disparities. Students will have the opportunity to develop and implement strategies that can improve and encourage a more inclusive environment for all students while educating fellow classmates about different experiences in order to expand our student body’s world perspective. Please reach out to advisors to be added to the Schoology group. We typically meet the first Thursday of each month.

Drama Club

Advisors Mrs. McCloskey, Ms. Cohen & Mr. Hanley

The Drama Club performs plays and musicals typically twice a school year.

Environment Club

Advisor Ms. Holodak

Fusion G.S.A.

Advisor Ms. Remis

The Fusion/GSA (Gay-Straight Alliance) is a student-led club open to ALL, including students that identify as LGBTQA, as well as their straight allies. The club meets approximately twice a month depending on student interest and the activities the club wants to participate in. The purpose of the club is to provide a safe space for all students to feel welcome and comfortable in a supportive space. The club also works towards creating a safe and accepting learning environment in our school for everyone, no matter how they identify themselves.

International Club

Advisor Mrs. Carr

Travel to different countries during school breaks: London & Paris (April), Italy (April), Costa Rica (February). Trips will rotate year by year but we plan to visit the same destinations.

Introspection Literary Magazine

Advisory Mrs. Mattice

A student-run, digital magazine that features art, songs, poems and photography. Check out their website and previous issues here.

Key Club

Advisor Mrs. Carr

Provide support to the local, national and international communities through volunteer service. This club is associated with a national organization and works together with our local (Schenectady) Kiwanis Club. Students are presented with volunteer opportunities and the advisor is a resource to keep a record of these service hours. Over the years, the school & local community has reached out to the club if they are in need of volunteers as we have access to members that will fulfill these needs.

Marching Band

Director Mr. Spacher and Mr. Christy


Advisor Mr. Williamson

A trivia-style competition with JV and Varsity level teams. Teams compete monthly against other schools.

New Sabre Program

Advisor Mrs. Gibbs
A peer mentorship program for current high school students that provides guidance for incoming freshmen and transfer students. Students are required to attend a training session over the summer and Freshmen/New Student Orientation in the summer.

Pep Club (Sabre Squad)

Advisor Mrs. Minehardt-Quick

Sabre’s Edge Student Newspaper

Advisors Mrs. Cohen and Ms. Schulman

The Sabre’s Edge is the students’ voice! Our goal is to get as many students as we can to contribute to the paper. Students can submit any type of writing including- editorials, reviews, articles, sports stories, interviews, etc. They can be involved by submitting artwork, photographs, or assisting with editing and or publishing. It’s not a huge time commitment!


Advisor Mrs. DiCocco

SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions) is for club members to engage in and promote activities which help to advocate for creating and contributing to a positive and inclusive environment in our school and community. Members discuss topics that affect teens such as stress, bullying, addiction, suicide, social media, stereotypes, etc. and learn about ways to make good choices for themselves and inform others to do the same. The club provides many opportunities to get involved in positive activities, some of which include volunteering, Chalk the Walk, Sticker Shock, and visiting with therapy dogs. SADD club meets on the first Tuesday and third Thursday of each month. Members are expected to be active participants.

Science Club RiverWatch

Advisor Mr. Labuda

The club explores various environmental locations.

Science Olympiad

Advisor Mrs. Baird

In Science Olympiad, you can learn more about various topics from your science, math, or engineering classes. Each year, a portion of the events are rotated to reflect the ever-changing nature of genetics, earth science, chemistry, anatomy, physics, geology, mechanical engineering, and technology. By combining events from all disciplines, Science Olympiad encourages a wide cross-section of students to get involved. Emphasis is placed on active, hands-on group participation. You will work in teams of 2-3 students to prepare for your event. This club is based on your availability, you may attend practices after school any time you are available. We have two set competition dates, which fall on Saturdays in the 2nd quarter, where you compete in your chosen events against other school teams. If you have an interest in any area of science, please consider joining our team!

Ski & Snowboard Club

Advisors Mr. Fries & Mr. Little

The Ski and Snowboard Club offers students the opportunity to enjoy skiing and snowboarding at Jiminy Peak ski resort in the winter.

Spanish Club

Advisors Mrs. DiCocco, Mrs. Riggin and Mrs. Weber

Spanish Club provides students with opportunities outside of the classroom to immerse in Spanish language and culture. Members are interested in promoting language appreciation in our overall school and community. Some activities include trivia, dance lessons, crafts, and trying Spanish cuisine. Everyone is welcome at the monthly meetings held on the first Monday of each month.

TIGERS Christian Club

Advisor Mrs. McKeon

We meet on the second Tuesday of the month at 2:20 p.m. in the Counseling Office, to pray for our school administration, our teachers and our classmates. We also pray for our federal, state and local government. We pray for our families and one another. We run two collection programs each year. In the fall we collect small toys, books and things to send to children around the world who might not receive any gifts during the holidays. In mid-winter we run a personal care products collection for the Schenectady City Mission. We also participate in the International See You At The Pole day in early September to gather around our front flagpole to pray for the new school year. All students are welcome to come.

Yearbook Club

Advisor Ms. Pontin

The yearbook club meets once a week to collaborate and create the yearbook for the year. We create the pages, take photographs, and compile all the memories that create an amazing book for all to enjoy in June.

National Honor Societies

English Honor Society

Advisor Mrs. Cohen

National Art Honor Society

Advisor Mrs. Mulkerrin

The following requirements must be met in order to apply for membership:

  • Must have completed Studio in Art with a course grade of 92 or above.
  • Must have earned a 90 average or above in all other Art courses.
  • All students must be currently enrolled in an elective art class in order to become a member.

National Honor Society

Advisors Mrs. Pris and Ms. Mattice

Membership in the National Honor Society is both an honor and a responsibility. Students selected for membership are expected to continue to demonstrate the qualities of scholarship, service, leadership and character.

Only juniors and seniors can apply.

  • GPA Requirement: 88% cumulative average or higher
  • Leadership: Long-term participation in at least three school-sponsored organizations, clubs, or teams. An elective office or its equivalent in either school or outside (if outside school activity a letter of support/detailed description should accompany your spreadsheet).
  • Service: Voluntary contribution of at least a total of 60 hours of time to any charity or community function, half for school/half for community. The 60 hours must include more than one activity.
  • Character: You will need to ask two adults (one Schalmont faculty member, and another non-relative outside of the school) to use as your references.

New York State Science Honor Society

Advisor Mrs. Pris

Students must take a science course every year in high school. Science Honor Society is based upon science scholarship, service, and personal character. Its purpose is to encourage an interest and understanding of science and science-related careers, as well as to recognize the academic achievement in science of high school students.

Spanish Honor Society

Advisors Mrs. DiCocco, Mrs. Riggin and Mrs. Weber

Students must maintain an average of 90 or above in Spanish 2 and 3. Applications become available as students progress through the higher levels of language.

Tri-M Music Honor Society

Advisor Mrs. Lancto