Student Registration

Group photo of kindergartners

Please Contact District Office to Start Process

Families who need to register a student for school are asked to please contact the District Office as soon as possible to make an appointment. 

Donna Notar
518-355-9200 ext. 4005
Debbie Falcone
518-355-9200 ext. 4014

We are happy to answer any questions you may have.

Registration Forms

Kindergarten Registration

Children who will become 5 years or older on or before December 1, 2025 are eligible to start kindergarten in September 2025.

All kindergarten students attend a full-day program at Jefferson Elementary School.

Kindergarten registration packets are mailed in January to families of students in the district’s census who are eligible to attend kindergarten the following school year. They are also available above.

If you need a Registration Packet mailed to you, please contact Donna Notar at or call 518-355-9200 ext. 4005.

Kindergarten or New Student Registration Materials

The New Student Registration Form (page 4 and 5 of the Registration Packet) should be completed and provided during the initial registration appointment. We encourage you to submit the remainder of the Registration Packet at the initial appointment but if you need additional time, families have three business days to complete and return it.

Proof of Residency

In addition to the required registration forms, please bring the following documents to determine residency at the time of registration.

Two acceptable Proofs of Residency are necessary. Please note, PO boxes are not acceptable (please bring documents with you for your registration appointment).

Please bring one of the following:

  1. Homeowners
    1. Existing home – proof of ownership of residential property within the district, such as a deed or mortgage statement or copy of school tax bill.
    2. New home – copy of sales/building contract including proof of closing date plus a photo of the new home. If your are not living in the home when registering, a Certificate of Occupancy must be provided within 90 days. Transportation during transition is the responsibility of the homeowner.
  2. Renters
    1. Signed residential lease agreement for property within the District
  3. Family Living with an In-District Family Member
    1. Sworn and notarized statement from the lease holder or homeowner that family resides with (see affidavit forms).
  4. Foster Children
    1. A district may also accept other proof such as documentation indicating that the child resides with a sponsor with whom the child has been placed by an agency. Please provide evidence from Department of Social Services, a written statement from the foster parents and form LDSS 2999.

Please bring one of the following:

  • Pay stub
  • Income tax form
  • Utility or other bills
  • Voter registration documents
  • Official driver’s license, learner’s permit or non-driver identification card
  • State or other government-issued identification
  • Documents issued by federal, state or local agencies (local Social Services agency, federal Office of Refugee Resettlement)
  • Evidence of custody (e.g. court order, guardianship papers, etc.)

If you can’t prove the student’s residency with a family, you may qualify for McKinney Vento status (see Student Residency Questionnaire in the Registration Packet).

Please be prepared to present the following additional documentation at the time of your registration appointment:

  • Health records
  • Parent or guardian photo ID
  • Special education information, such as Individualized Education Plan and most recent psychological evaluation (if applicable)
  • Custody papers (if parents are separated or divorced)
  • A child’s certified birth certificate or certified baptism records. If neither are available, the following may be considered as evidence of a child’s age:
  • Passport
  • Official driver’s license
  • Government-issued identification
  • Consulate ID with birthdate
  • Hospital or Health Records with birthdate
  • Other government issued documents showing age, including court orders and custody papers (e.g. military dependent ID card)
  • Records from non-profit international aid agencies

The District reserves the right to require verification of any documentation provided. However, enrollment will not be delayed during the verification process. All children between the ages of 6 and 21 who have not yet graduated from high school and who are residents of the Schalmont Central School District have a right to attend our schools.

If the School Resource Officer verifies that any registration documents have been falsified, written notice will be provided to the parent/guardian stating that the child is not entitled to attend our schools.

Changing Your Address Within the District

Please use the Change of Address Form to update your address. Fill out the form and return it to the District Office. Please include your proof of residencies (see above for examples).