Grade 5 Families Tour MS

Thank you to all our Schalmont families who came out last night for the Grade 5 & New Student Orientation! And a special thank you to our National Junior Honor Society 7th and 8th graders who showed great leadership by providing tours and answering questions! More photos

Welcome New Faculty!

Schlamont is proud to welcome our newest faculty who joined us for today’s Orientation Day! Welcome Amber Berry (MS Academic Intervention Services), Shannon D’Aurizio (JES Special Education), Jessica Torsiello (JES Special Education), Jessica Dolan (MS Academic Intervention Services), Camryn Mesick (JES Social Worker), Heather O’Keefe (MS Family & Consumer Sciences), Lyndsay Mattice (HS Special Education), …

4th Quarter Honor Rolls Announced

Schalmont is proud to announce our Honor Rolls for the 4th Quarter! Congratulations to our students for all your hard work! High Honor Roll Grade 6: Audrianna Bertrand, Ellie Beston, Payton Bleichert, Destiny Brown, Lincoln Bullock, Liliana Campagnano, Thomas Casso, Sandra Cirilla, Kennedy Decker, Schuyler Ferraro, Derek Foster, Madison Foster, Noah Gillberg, Ava Glen, Scarlett …

Sabre Nation Welcomes JES Students

The Sabre Nation Club welcomed a couple of Jefferson Elementary classes to Schalmont Middle School recently where students created Kindness Rocks and enjoyed a snack together. There were some great conversations, too, as Mrs. LeRoy’s kindergartners and Ms. Pink’s 1st graders shared what they were looking forward to at the Middle School and older students …

8th Graders Enjoy Career Jam

Schalmont 8th graders enjoyed a field trip to Siena College Tuesday for Career Jam, an event where students learn about potential career fields from dozens of companies and organizations. Students not only enjoyed the many fun, hands-on activities but also were able to tour the college. “It was a great event. Students could not say …

Congrats Middle School Readers & Leaders!

Congratulations to Schalmont Middle School’s top readers and leaders for the Ronald McDonald House reading fundraiser! Congratulations Lincoln Bullock, Roman Conway, Arianna Jesionowski, Hannah Lansing, Desmond Lawrence, Allie McLear and Ethan Whitman!

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