HS Science Students Visit Jefferson

Students in 10th Grade Living Environment visited Jefferson Elementary this week to read to students and share what they learned about African ecosystems! Reading books about elephants, lions and other African animals, High School students spent time with kindergartners and 3rd graders in the school library. Students also bonded over fun crafts that focused on …

Snowy Recess Fun at Jefferson

Snowpants ✅ Friends ✅ Huge smiles on 1st snowy recess of year ✅ See more photos on our Flickr  page.

Kindergartners Share Friendsgiving

It was twice the fun last week when Mrs. Madej and Mrs. Laribee’s kindergarten classes came together to celebrate Friendsgiving! Students in the two classrooms paired up to share their journal writing where they had written what they were thankful for. “The students were excited to see similarities and differences of what other students in …

Reading & Pie Party in Mrs. Bennett’s Class

Mrs. Bennett’s 4th grade class welcomed family and friends to their class Monday to celebrate their writing with a Pie Party! Students shared their personal narratives they wrote and then enjoyed pie and cider together. Thank you for visiting Jefferson Elementary! #sabrepride See more photos on our Flickr page.

Families Visit Mrs. Malatesta’s Class

Mrs. Malatesta’s kindergartners welcomed family and friends to their classroom Friday for a Thanksgiving Celebration! Students shared books they have been working hard on that featured things they are thankful for over pie and snacks! Thank you so much for visiting Jefferson! #sabrepride See more photos on our Flickr page.

Mrs. Bennett’s Class Welcomes Preschoolers

Pre-schoolers from Our Lady Queen of Peace made their semi-annual trip to Jefferson Elementary Tuesday as part of a long-standing Buddy Program. Children visited Mrs. Bennett’s 4th grade class where they enjoyed coloring together, reading books and, of course, snack time! Mrs. Bennett’s class did an amazing job making their guests feel welcome and hopefully …

1st Annual FSD Friendsgiving

Lots of good times at Schalmont’s 1st Annual Functional Skills Development Team Friendsgiving! Students, faculty and staff across Schalmont gathered for the event Friday, coming together to enjoy food, crafts and games in the Middle School library. Older students spent the week preparing meals while younger students created decorations. It was a truly special occasion …

Middle School Teaches Mindfulness

Mrs. LeRoy and Ms. Pink’s students learned about mindfulness during a visit by Schalmont Middle School’s Sabre Nation! Working together in the school cafeteria, students created calming jars, colored together, and played a game where students shared something that helps them be calm when they caught a ball. Wonderful job Middle School students inspiring our …

1st Grade Storybook Pumpkins

Reading and Halloween fun! First graders created Storybook Pumpkins based on their favorite books. Great job! See many more photos on our Flickr page.

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