Schalmont Receives Best Fiscal Stress Score

The NYS Comptroller’s Office recently informed Schalmont that it received the best possible score on its annual Fiscal Stress Monitoring System report. Each year, the Comptroller’s Office reviews each school district’s financial information to assess fiscal challenges such as operating deficits, fund balance and cash flow. “It’s reassuring to have an outside agency review our …

Sculpture Class Creates Desserts for Canali’s

Those delicious looking desserts in these photos are actually sculptures that High School students in Mrs. Mulkerrin’s Sculpture class created! Students made the dessert replicas for Canali’s Restaurant, which will use them as a display in their local restaurant to show the desserts they offer. Canali’s Restaurant was so appreciative that one of their managers, …

Student Recognized for Helping Classmate

Schalmont could not be prouder of 8th grader Rosemary Harrington who was recognized Thursday for her incredibly quick response to helping a classmate during a recent medical event in school. Rosemary was given a Making a Difference Award from the Rotterdam Police Department Police Benevolent Association after she immediately sought help for a classmate who …

Peter Gorman Is Spelling Bee Champ

Congratulations to 5th grader Peter Gorman III who won this year’s Middle School Spelling Bee Wednesday evening, correctly spelling the final word “tenets”. The competition lasted 18 rounds with 7th grader Liam Anderson finishing second. Peter will represent Schalmont in the 2023 Capital Region Spelling Bee. “Congratulations to all who participated. You are to be …

Champion Basketball Banner Unveiled

Schalmont celebrated the 2022 Girls Basketball State Champions last night as former players and families returned for the unveiling of their championship banner in the school gym. “It was great to see our former student-athletes and their families at the banner ceremony for the 2022 Girls Basketball State Champs. What a great group of young …

Karissa Antoine Scores 1,000th Point

Congratulations to Schalmont junior Karissa Antoine who scored her 1,000th career point in Tuesday night’s girls varsity basketball game!

Schalmont Appoints Business Official & Treasurer

Schalmont is pleased to announce Brenda Leitt and Laurie Kapfer are the district’s new School Business Administrator and District Treasurer, respectively. Mrs. Leitt and Mrs. Kapfer, who have been with Schalmont for 20 years combined, were appointed at last night’s Board of Education meeting. Mrs. Leitt has worked as Schalmont’s District Treasurer for the past …

Families Learn About CTE Programs

Schalmont families enjoyed a first-hand look at Capital Region BOCES’ new Career & Technical Education Center Thursday, as faculty and staff opened their doors for Schalmont Family Night. The event gave our families a chance to explore opportunities available to Schalmont students, who visited classrooms and spoke with instructors during a tour of the new …

Physics Class Tries Egg Drop

Schalmont High School students in Physics had fun recently testing their designs to protect an egg during a drop from the school stairs. Students were challenged to use straws and tape to create a structure that would absorb the impact of the fall without cracking an egg. Students came up with numerous designs but quickly …

Middle School Honor Veterans

More than 50 veterans from our community were honored at Schalmont Middle School this morning as the school held its annual Veterans Day Celebration. Veterans first enjoyed a breakfast in the school cafeteria with students as they talked together at tables. Students then lined hallways and cheered veterans as they walked through the school, holding …

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