Students Selected for Sportsmanship Summit

Congratulations to Schalmont student-athletes Arianna Brandon, Curtis Brosious, Gemma Comenzo, Ryan Delaney, Abigail Hughes, Haley Rider, Andrew Schraa, Ryan Woodrow and Coach Jeff VanHoesen for representing Schalmont at the recent Colonial Council Youth Sportsmanship Summit! The annual event held at Thacher State Park brings together student-athletes, and coaches, from 13 area districts who are considered …

Local Author Visits High School

Local author Mandy McHugh visited Schalmont High School this week where she spoke to English classes about her experiences as a published author and answered lots of student questions. Students connected easily with Ms. McHugh as they asked thoughtful questions about how her debut novel “Chloe Cates is Missing” was published last year. Students inquired …

8th Graders Enjoy Career Jam

Schalmont 8th graders enjoyed a field trip to Siena College Tuesday for Career Jam, an event where students learn about potential career fields from dozens of companies and organizations. Students not only enjoyed the many fun, hands-on activities but also were able to tour the college. “It was a great event. Students could not say …

PE Department Starts Archery

Schalmont High School students enjoyed learning archery after school last week as the Physical Education Department begins rolling out a new opportunity for students. Kathleen Russell, Director of PE, Health & Athletics, explained teachers took training courses so Schalmont could offer archery safely in High School and Middle School PE classes by next year. On …

Carter Flowers Sets School Record

Congratulations to sophomore Carter Flowers who broke the school record for 800 meters at Saturday’s William F. Eddy Jr. Memorial Track Meet! Carter’s time of 1:55:48 also earned him a second place finish in the meet. Congratulations, Carter!

Congrats Middle School Readers & Leaders!

Congratulations to Schalmont Middle School’s top readers and leaders for the Ronald McDonald House reading fundraiser! Congratulations Lincoln Bullock, Roman Conway, Arianna Jesionowski, Hannah Lansing, Desmond Lawrence, Allie McLear and Ethan Whitman!

Creative Writing Learns About Opportunities

Juniors and seniors in Mrs. Mattice’s Creative Writing elective enjoyed learning about paid internship opportunities in graphic designing, editing, printing and publishing this week when guest Celeste Knight, Program Director for the New York State Senate, visited. “Students learned about the opportunities for them from the early stages of graphic design and planning to the …

Students Excel in Design Competition

   Schalmont High School’s Civil Engineering Architecture class recently completed their final design project, which was judged by professionals from our community for a class competition. Students worked in groups to design plans for a 30-acre parcel, proposing developments such as parks, a sports complex, a paintball facility, a skate park and family-centered community areas. …

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