Building Peer Leadership Skills

A group of Schalmont Middle School students recently enjoyed building their peer leadership skills through a day of team building and peer mediation! Working together through different activities, students expanded their communication and listening skills for conflict resolution, explained School Counselor Mrs. Romano. “I loved that I learned how to problem-solve solutions when conflict arises,” …

Schalmont to Start Pre-K Program

Schalmont is excited to announce that we will start a Pre-Kindergarten program this fall at the former Woestina Elementary School. “We are truly excited about our plan for Schalmont’s Pre-K program,” said Superintendent Dr. Thomas Reardon. “We have studied every angle of Pre-K over the past two years and believe we’ll be able to offer …

Funny Feet Friday at Jefferson

Great job Jefferson students rocking your wildest footwear last week to support the March Madness Readathon! See more photos on our Flickr page!

Students Help Spread Kindness

Schalmont Middle School and Jefferson Elementary students gathered together last week to help spread kindness to our schools and community! Sabre Nation, a Middle School club that helps students develop leadership qualities through community service, met with Mrs. LeRoy and Miss Pink’s first graders at Princetown Church’s community room where they worked on kindness projects …

Physics Egg Drop Day (Video)

 Students in Mrs. Baird’s Physics classes put their learning to the test Thursday for the annual Egg Drop Day! Challenged to build structures that would protect an egg from a drop, students took turns dropping them to see if the eggs would crack. Great job!

Congrats Spanish Honor Society Students!

Congratulations to the newest members of Schalmont High School’s Spanish Honor Society! Students were inducted in a ceremony held last week in the district auditorium. #sabrepride Inductees ⭐ Gianna Angelozzi ⭐ Connor Byrnes ⭐ Samantha Gromoll ⭐ Christian Groulx ⭐ Grace Hill ⭐ Mattingly Hindes ⭐ Brooke Howlan ⭐ Tijay Lamalfa Chase ⭐ Aiden Lawrence …

MS Reads for Ronald McDonald House

Schalmont Middle School would like to remind families about the Read for Ronald McDonald House fundraiser in March. Students can read, run or write (or all three) to raise funds for the Ronald McDonald House of the Capital Region. A fundraising packet that was distributed to students earlier this month is available here. Families can …

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